DO-G Annual Convention 20 to 24 September 2023 in Augsburg, Germany

Oral presentations

- Registration of talks is closed. -

How to register your presentation

You can find these notes also in the announcement of the 2023 convention: PDF-Download

Please note that all abstracts can only be submitted via this website. We would also like to point out that all speakers (including those of planned symposia) are invited to register regularly for the conference as participants after the programme has been published. Travel expenses and conference fees are to be borne by all speakers (except invited plenary speakers) themselves.

Talks can usually be registered with 15 minutes of speaking time and have to be given at the venue in Augsburg and not as online presentations. They should focus on results that have not yet been published before the conference, or they should provide an up-to-date overview and summary of special ornithological topics. At least one of the authors of a talk must be a DO-G member. Exceptions are decided by the Secretary General (contact: see below).

All registrations for contributions can only be made online on this website. Postal or e-mail submissions cannot be accepted.

Talks can be registered and presented in German or English. As far as possible, presentations in German are requested. All submissions must include an abstract of max. 350 words. If talks on ongoing investigations are planned, it is sufficient to outline the problem area to be dealt with in the abstract. The abstracts will be printed in the proceedings of the conference. The text must be inserted directly into the form when registering the talk online. All further information is requested in the form when registering. The Secretary General decides on the acceptance or on requests for modification of talks, if necessary after consulting the local organizers and the DO-G Board.

At the annual meetings of the DO-G, a wide range of participants – from hobby ornithologists to university lecturers – meet and exchange ideas. Therefore, the abstract and the presentation should be kept generally understandable.

The assignment of contributions to a specific topic should be proposed at the registration, but is ultimately at the discretion of the Secretary General.

We ask for your understanding that organizational constraints make it impossible to give appointments for your talk for certain days.

As at previous meetings, the Advisory Board of the DO-G will award prizes to young speakers. The prerequisite for participation is that at most one talk has been given at a DO-G annual meeting and that the participants are not older than 30 years. Participation in the competition can be selected online when registering the talk. The jury for the evaluation is appointed by the Advisory Board.

Presentation of your presentation at the conference

Talks can be held in PowerPoint format. Due to the time-consuming conversion, no own devices, laptops, tablets or other software can be used. Please bring your complete presentation on a USB stick.

Extended summary of your presentation in the "Vogelwarte"

Following the conference, the abstracts of the contributions will be offered larger space in the journal "Vogelwarte" in the form of a conference proceedings issue. To this end, all contributors will be given the opportunity to submit an extended summary of their contributions within three weeks after the Annual Meeting (deadline Tuesday, 17 October 2023). This can contain up to 600 words, one graphic or table and a maximum of six literature citations. The additional space should be used primarily for the presentation of concrete results as well as for discussion. Details will be sent by e-mail shortly before the conference.

Proposals for symposia

Interested parties who would like to organize a symposium with up to six talks of 15 minutes each (+ 5 minutes discussion) are requested to contact the Secretary General of the DO-G (contact see below).


Swen Renner (DO-G Secretary General)
PD Dr. Swen Renner, Ornithology, Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria, e-mail